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The Free-Use Roommate Program Ch. 02

Post #1

This is the second installment in a series I am working on following the adventures of Liz, and her three futa roommates. Everyone is 18+ and since this is a free-use story Liz is always consenting when her roommates are involved. She wants nothing more than to please them as much as possible. But she is quickly discovering her own needs as well...
Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated! Enjoy.
Chapter 2: Bonding With Futas
Liz stared at the clock as the minutes ticked by, her mind adrift in a sea of longing. Her insides begged to be filled again, somehow even worse than before... Now both her ass and womb cried in unison to be stuffed full of futa cum. Her reckless run in with Green at the glory hole had only served to worsen her issue.
When class finished for the day, Liz nearly tripped in her haste to get home. She threw open the door to her apartment, calling out to her roommates as it swung shut behind her. Tiffany had soccer practice, but Bianca and Melody should have been back already.
Liz scurried around the quiet house in search of them. The kitchen and living room were empty, and nobody was in the bathroom. She even peeked into each of their rooms, just to be sure. Nada.
With nothing else to do, she curled up in bed, wiping the tears that had begun trickling down her cheeks. Her sheets still smelled of Bianca's cum, but Bianca's wasn't there to comfort her. Nobody was.
Liz found herself in a sauna. She sat comfortably on a warm towel, her small, round ass being pampered by the soft fabric. She wasn't alarmed that she was naked, instead, she looked with admiration at her perky, little tits, noticing the droplets of water condensing on her nipples.
She looked around, taking in the small space. The room was mostly shrouded by thick clouds of steam, but she could easily make out the forms of her roommates. They were standing only a few feet from Liz, their towels in a pile near their feet. She was relieved to see them.
A bright, white light filled the room behind them, and it sparkled in the droplets of water that outlined their naked bodies, casting a dark shadow in her direction. Liz half expected them to pounce on her, and proceed to ravish her body. She recognized the lusty look in their eyes, and their hard cocks were a dead giveaway.
They all knew the terms of the free-use agreement, they didn't have to ask for permission. It had only been a week since Liz had taken the oath, solidifying her position as their free-use roommate for the school year.
What were they waiting for?
Their cock's were already leaking a steady stream of precum and it pooled on the tiled floor near their feet, slowly soaking their towels. Their balls looked heavy and full, yet they weren't leaping at the opportunity to fuck her.
Why were her roommates suddenly showing such restraint?
She played with her pussy, running a delicate finger through her glistening lips. She spread her legs for them, parting her labia as lewdly as she could. Her pussy was swollen and needy, and her juices quickly coated her fingers.
"Hey!" Liz called out, growing impatient.
But they ignored her, choosing instead to start stroking themselves. Liz was in the perfect position to suck their cocks. With her butt on the towel, her mouth was at just the right height for them to use. All they had to do was step forward and her lips would do the rest.
"Fine," she thought to herself, "I'll just go to them."
She rested her hands on the tiled floor, and pushed upwards as she usually would, attempting to get to her feet. But she stayed put. She was a small, delicate girl, yet her arms were behaving like she was made of lead. Even her legs were unable to lift her.
It's like she was glued to the towel, her cute butt literally stuck to the floor. Her body seemed to be working normally, but no matter how much force she applied to the ground, she couldn't make herself budge.
Her roommates didn't seem to take notice of her struggle either. None of them stepped forward to help her to her feet, and it was a miracle she didn't succumb to panic. There had to be an explanation...
Her pussy drooled in greedy anticipation, craving the familiar warmth of her roommates cocks, and the promise of their sticky seed. Her whole body was calling to them, seeking to fulfill its purpose, demanding their attention. Their unwillingness bordered on cruelty.
Was something wrong with her?
She quickly scanned her body for issues. Her red hair was soft and unruly, her delicate skin, pristine and unblemished. Even her nipples were hard and inviting. Not to mention how wet her pussy was... Nothing looked out of the ordinary. She was primed and ready for them. But not one of her roommates seemed interested in taking advantage.
"Melody..." Liz cooed, staring into her soft, blue eyes.
She silently begged her to come closer, to run her gentle hands through her hair and tell her everything was alright. Melody looked as lovely Escort as ever. Her large, full breasts were scrumptiously framed by her long black hair and her massive, thick cock pulsed slowly. Liz wished she could taste the precum that coated Mel's fat tip, but she was still playing hard to get.
"Tiff..." Liz said, looking up at her.
She watched Tiffany's slim, muscular arms at work. Her hands were wrapped around her cute cock, milking out rope after rope of her delicious precum. All Tiff had to do was come slip it between her lips and Liz would pamper her tip with her tongue like usual. Instead, she was choosing to just masturbate. It was infuriating.
"B..." Liz said, her voice growing increasingly desperate. "Why don't you come over here?"
Bianca was certainly the most sexually aggressive in the group. She had never been shy about waking Liz up if she needed some late night sexual release yet, for some inexplicable reason, even Bianca ignored her plea. Only her shadow seemed willing to touch Liz.
What the fuck was going on?
She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. With them closed, her mind began filling with thoughts of her escapades at the Gloryhole.
Liz recalled how lovingly she had sucked Green's cock. How she had offered the stranger her pussy and begged to have her womb flooded with cum. She had even let Green fuck her ass and fill it with cum for the first time.
Did her roommates already know?
She was overcome with guilt, shame and fear. Sitting in her roommates' shadows, she began to cry.
What if they didn't want her anymore?
When Liz woke up, the sun had already set, and darkness filled her room. She was still alone on her mattress, and the empty feeling was still present. But she ignored it, something more concerning was on her mind.
Light from the hallway peeked under her closed door and she could hear chatter outside. Her roommates were home at last!
She nearly leapt out of her bed, fumbling through her messy room in the dark as she raced out to greet them. She stumbled down the hall towards the kitchen, where she stood quietly in the doorway as her eyes adjusted to the light. Her roommates were all accounted for, but they hadn't noticed her.
Melody stood by the stove and whatever she was cooking smelled fantastic. Bianca was leaned against the counter next to her. Her back was to Liz, and her elbows pressed on the ceramic countertop for support, her wavy brown hair dangling above her shoulders as she flipped noisily through a magazine.
Tiffany was working nearby on her laptop. She sat cross-legged at the small, round table that served as the communal eating space, her fingers busily typing away on her keyboard. Liz was preparing to walk in and greet them when Bianca spoke up.
"Do you think we should wake Liz for dinner?"
"When it's ready I'll go get her," Melody replied. "She must have had a hard day. She was already asleep when I got home."
"Couldn't have been harder than mine... I swear my coach is trying to kill me. My ass is so sore from doing drills I can barely sit still..." Tiffany said without looking up from her screen. She shifted in her seat slightly as she spoke, adjusting her skirt beneath her.
Liz lingered in the doorway, admiring her roommates with a new level of appreciation. She was pleasantly relieved to see them and it was comforting to know Mel had checked on her. But she was still hesitant to approach them.
"Did you guys hear about anything strange happening at school today?" Tiffany asked casually.
"You mean the futa girl with the breeding fetish?" Bianca replied as she flipped another page.
Liz's heart nearly skipped a beat hearing Bianca say it so nonchalantly. They already knew?
"Yeah..." Tiffany replied. "One of my teammates was telling me about it. She said it was the most awkward thing she's ever witnessed... She almost felt sorry for her partner."
"It's definitely interesting..." Bianca said. "But this is a pretty big school, I'm sure there's all kinds of weirdos on campus. I'm honestly more surprised it took so long for something like this to happen."
"Hey!" Mel exclaimed, turning around to look at them. "Lets not be so judgmental! Everyone is entitled to their kinks."
"I agree," Tiffany said. "But there's more to it than that. My teammate spoke with the girl's partner afterwards, and she managed to pry something out of her."
"Pry what out of her?" Mel said, sounding concerned.
Tiffany's voice suddenly became a whisper, as if she was about to say something she shouldn't. It was difficult to hear her over the sounds of Mel's cooking.
"Well... The girl confessed that she never saw her partner's cock. And -- apparently her partner was making all kinds of weird excuses. Like, they just wanted to have their pussy fucked through the gloryhole... Doesn't that sound weird?"
"I mean, it kinda makes sense that someone with such a strange kink might try to hide their identity," Bianca said. "They're probably ashamed Escort Bayan of it. I know I would be."
"Maybe..." Tiffany said "But my friend had another theory..."
Liz was speechless. She had created a rumour already, and the day wasn't even over.
"Well.. spit it out already!" Bianca said.
"She thinks one of the regular women on campus snuck into the futa bathroom."
"Don't be ridiculous!" Melody said. "Even if someone did have the nerve to sneak in, there's no way they would do something that risky. Tell your friend to stop day dreaming. Now, can one of you guys keep an eye on this for me?" She gestured towards the stove. "All this talk of bathrooms has me needing to use one. I'll be quick, but make sure you keep stirring it. I don't want it to burn."
Liz ducked into the bathroom ahead of her, switching the lights on and plopping herself down on the toilet seat. When she heard a knock on the door, she got up from her pretending and walked to the sink, flushing the toilet for good effect.
"Come in," she said.
Mel swung open the door slowly. She was still wearing her apron and she stared at Liz knowingly.
"I'm assuming you heard the conversation outside?" Mel said.
"Nice to see you too..." Liz said sheepishly as she dried her hands, avoiding eye contact.
"It's funny," Mel continued, "I was worried what we did this morning would cause some problems, but I wasn't expecting this! I didn't realize how powerful the effects of my cum were. I'm really sorry, Lizzy... I fucked up."
"Huh?" Liz said, her eyes finally finding the courage to meet Mel's. She hadn't been expecting an apology.
Mel's eyes looked teary. She wiped them in her palm before continuing, this time her voice was a low whisper.
"What I did to you in the shower... I broke one of the rules of the free-use agreement when I came inside your womb."
"So what?" Liz replied, reading into Mel's guilt and trying desperately to console her. "It was wonderful. I've been thinking about it all day."
Of course, both of the statements were true. Liz simply chose to leave out how much it had affected her decision making, and the emptiness she still felt in her womb.
"You don't understand, Lizzy. Futa cum has a few special properties. In particular, it's a powerful aphrodisiac."
"I know that already silly!" Liz replied. "I've done my research..."
"Then you should know why we can't cum inside you before school. But I went ahead and creampied you in the shower. I pumped you so full of my cum that your stomach was bulging. It was careless of me -- selfish -- and now look what you went and did on campus. I know you were the one who snuck into the futa bathroom, Liz... as soon as I heard the rumours I was certain of it. I can't imagine how needy you must have felt. I'm so sorry..."
Liz wasn't sure how to react. Mel wasn't upset with her at all. But somehow that only made her feel more guilty. Was futa cum really that powerful of an aphrodisiac. She had certainly read about it, but up until now it never seemed she to have affected her much. Maybe her womb was more susceptible to it? Regardless, she hated seeing Mel so upset.
"It's alright, Mel..." Liz said, as she wrapped her arms around her. "I forgive you."
Mel hugged her back, squeezing her tightly enough to fully bury Liz's face between her massive tits. Beneath Mel's apron, Liz could feel the familiar bulge of her cock pressing against her. Classic futa girls, Liz mused to herself, happy or sad, they were always horny.
"Let's go finish preparing dinner," Liz said, grabbing Mel by the arm. "We can talk more about it later."
"I actually still need to use the bathroom..." Mel replied, a weak smile forming on her lips.
Dinner was fantastic. Mel usually did all the cooking, but she had really outdone herself this time. As hungry as Liz was, she felt bad just scarfing it down. She took her time and savoured it. For a while, everything felt like normal again.
Mel kept glancing over at Liz with a smile as she ate. Bianca was helping herself to seconds and Tiffany had finally put her laptop away. The room had a pleasant, cheerful energy as it often did when they were gathered together.
Liz was managing to ignore all the worries of the day and just enjoy the company. Mel had been doing a great job covering for her all night too, dismissing any prying questions and insisting talk of rumours wasn't meant for the dinner table.
When they were finished eating, Mel got up and headed to the sink to wash up. Bianca helped her carry the plates over and Tiffany made an excuse about having to finish some schoolwork so she went back to her room, leaving Liz alone at the table.
When Bianca returned from the sink she had a devious grin on her face.
"I hope you saved room for dessert..."
Liz quickly downed her glass of water, letting out a refreshed gasp as she finished it.
"You know I always do."
Bianca was already excited, and her thick cock bulged noticeably under Bayan Escort her skirt, tenting the soft fabric. She quickly slipped it off to reveal a cute pair of blue and white, striped panties. They were already glazed in her precum and Liz's heart fluttered as she dropped to her knees in font of Bianca, taking in the sweet smell.
"Mel wouldn't let anyone disturb your beauty sleep... I've been pent up all afternoon," Bianca complained.
"I can tell," Liz said as she peeled Bianca's sticky panties down, letting her cock free of it's restraints.
They slid down her thighs and Bianca stepped out of them before taking a seat on one of the chairs, turning it towards Liz so she could easily access her cock. Liz didn't need to tell Bianca how badly she had missed her; she could show her.
She shimmied towards Bianca on her knees before burying her face between her thighs. Taking B's growing erection in her hands, Liz began worshipping it with her mouth, her soft tongue tracing its way up her shaft. She pampered it with gentle licks, flickering her tongue near the base of the head.
"Don't tease me like that..." Bianca moaned, as she slid back in the chair.
A small puddle of B's pussy juice had already begun forming on the chair beneath her, and sticky threads of the viscous fluid clung to her thighs and butt as she squirmed to reposition, spreading her legs as she leaned back.
Liz took the opportunity to put a finger between B's sopping wet pussy lips, rubbing it between them to generate a slew of lewd noises. As she played with B's pussy, she used her other hand to massage her balls. She squeezed them lovingly as she pampered Bianca's cock head with tender, wet kisses.
Bianca's moans were loud enough that Mel could probably hear them over the running water in the kitchen. She was breathing heavily, already on the verge of an orgasm. But Liz didn't want her to cum yet. She withdrew her finger from Bianca's slit and released her grip on her ballsack.
"What gives!" Bianca pleaded, opening her eyes to see Liz sucking her fingers clean of her juices.
Liz ignored her complaint, pulling her own wet panties down as she stood up. She slipped them off her feet as she straddled Bianca on the chair. Her pussy was dripping and needy, and Bianca's cock looked like the perfect solution. She lowered herself on it slowly, guiding the head between her lips as she sat gently on Bianca's lap.
Bianca moaned as her cock parted Liz's pussy lips. They wrapped lovingly around her shaft, as her tip worked its way deep inside. Once Liz was fully seated on Bianca's thighs, she leaned forward, pressing her mouth against Bianca's. B got the message and she opened her lips to allow Liz's tongue to explore her. They kissed lustily as Liz held B's cock with her pussy, keeping her hips still.
Bianca wasn't as large as Mel, so even her full length didn't manage to reach Liz's cervix. Liz sat comfortably on B's erection as it oozed precum inside her, sloppily sucking B's tongue with her soft pink lips. Once she felt Bianca's cock begin throbbing, Liz began working her hips, gliding back and forth on B's thighs.
Liz's pussy juice ran down between them, mixing with Bianca's puddle on the chair. She lifted her ass slightly, and then dropped it, her thighs bouncing on Bianca's with a wet slap. She repeated this motion as she they kissed, her mouth containing all Bianca's needy moans.
Liz had her arms over Bianca's shoulders, her hands gripping the back of the chair as she rode Bianca's cock. Her own orgasm was close at hand, and a warm shiver worked it's way down her spine as Bianca's hand's made a mess of her red hair.
"I'm about to cum, Lizzy!" Bianca moaned into her mouth.
"Me too!" Liz replied, without breaking the kiss.
Soon their moans filled the dining room, their bodies shivering in pleasure as they climaxed. Liz was first, and she showered Bianca with a generous squirt of her sweet pussy juice, her wet hole spasming around B's throbbing cock.
Liz's pussy tightened and contracted around Bianca as the orgasm washed over her, milking Bianca's cock with a mind of its own. In no time, the massive load Bianca had been forced to save up was working its way up her shaft. It burst out in a powerful jet, plastering Liz's walls in thick, sticky seed.
Liz could feel her pussy filling to the brim, but she did her best to take Bianca's pent up load. To her disappointment, it proved too much and she was literally pushed off B's cock from the pressure alone. It popped out of her with a loud splurt, allowing it's creamy payload to leak from her pussy.
B's healthy erection continued erupting. It was now sandwiched between them, standing tall as it coated them both in a heavy layer of jizz, spraying endlessly on Liz's tits and stomach. The consistency of Bianca's cum was even more dense than usual, and it stuck to her clothes like warm pudding.
Neither of them had bothered removing their tops, and the dense cum thoroughly ruined them as it continued to pour out of B's tip. Liz's shirt clung to her chest, outlining her small tits, the fabric heavy with B's sperm. It felt warm against her skin, and she leaned in close, pressing her chest against Bianca's, the wet fabric of their now translucent clothes sticking together.
09-27-2024, at 02:22 AM

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