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Cat - College Cowgirl Ch. 04

Post #1

You woke up to your alarm. It was farm day. You looked at the clock, it's bold red numbers read 5:30 am. This was early for you.

Rolling out of bed you thought to yourself how much you missed sleeping in as a concept. Unfortunately for you your breasts would always stir you up by about 7:30. Snooze any later and you had to deal with the painful consequences of engorgement, a lesson learnt the hard way.

Already your tits plead for attention, your daily routine usually started with some dreary-eyed time on the pump. Today you wanted them heaving with milk, and heave they did, their volume seemingly bigger than ever. You played a while, hefting, cupping and lifting your boobs in a way you never could have back when they were petite 36B's.

A quick shower, basic make up and you were out the door. When you arrived there was only one other car by the front gate.

The air was crisp, the sky still breaking dawn. The barn stood before you, welcomingly lit.

Aaron appeared from the barn and met up with you as you made way for the change room. "Hi Cat, glad you could make it. I want to show you something, come on in, don't worry about changing yet." Intrigued, you followed.

You realized this was the first time you'd walked upright through the barn. It felt kind of strange, wrong even. You passed the first quarter of the barn next to the large main door. This area mostly held straw and acted also as storage for milking gear. You stopped briefly at the stall you'd used each milking here, but he walked past these larger enclosures. You stopped a second - now that you looked at it from this vantage, it looked like 'your' stall was a room that had been converted from a horse's pen.

You turned to look at him and saw down the remaining section of barn. You continued following. This area had much smaller stalls, and they weren't enclosed. Two wooden bars fronted the stall, with one between them, the middle section acting as a swinging door. Unlike the four big room sized stalls you'd been in before, these had no semblance of privacy whatsoever. Between each stall was spaced wooden pickets. From the middle of the barn where you were standing you could see into every one of the ten stalls - 5 per side.

In front of you was a free standing fence/bench. escort etiler As you were taking this in movement from the 2nd stall on the left caught your eye. "Cat, this is Lorelei" Aaron announced. Lorelei looked up at you with the mention of her name, her movement causing a toll of her bell as she took a half step forward. She mooed softly at you.

"I wanted you to meet her because I think you have a lot in common. The very first time you came here you picked out the cowprint and a bell on your own. Lorelei here is a fantastic milker aren't you dear?" She lowed at the compliment. "She wanted to be a proper cow, so I learnt hypnosis techniques and gradually we built Lorelei here - that's her name when she's in the cow mindset."

"I know this is what you want too. You moo so well when you're milked. You zone out, lost in the feeling of being used. I will teach you and remake you, but you need to accept some rules. First, you will call me master or farmer if you must address me, and secondly you must do as I tell you. Pretty simple. I will mold you into the cow you want so desperately to be, and when I choose I will let the cow out when you're here at my farm. I won't control you outside of the herd - I know you have a life you should very much be living."

The offer made you dizzy. Really, this had been exactly what you'd wanted all along. In front of you was the evidence it was possible, in all her bovine glory.

"Yes Aar- farmer, please make me your cow."

"Wonderful. Ever since that first time when you were scared of the milker I knew this was your desire deep down." He produced your collar from a bag sitting next to him. He'd never doubted your answer. The padded collar locked around your neck, it's touch comforting, as always. You made a little side-to-side shake to hear the cowbell ring.

"Take off your clothes" the farmer commanded. "Cows do not need clothes." You stripped down to your pink panties. "Those too," he instructed.

"Now cows don't stand on two feet do they?" Doing as you were commanded you dropped to all fours.

He then reached into his bag and took out a small, red rope. Deftly he tied the ring on your collar to a metal ring on the freestanding bench. "The escort nişantaşı others will be here soon, wait here." He bundled up your discarded clothes and made way back towards the front of the barn.

You were left facing Lorelei. Her face seemed happy and completely unphased by what had just happened. She mournfully mooed a few quiet times as your master walked back down the length of the barn. She was quite beautiful with flowing black hair and striking features. Looking her over your eyes were immediately drawn to what appeared to be a tag in her left ear. Oh my, you thought. Here she was, the woman with some busy high-powered career. There was no denying she was indeed cattle, you could see her heaving breasts on full display and the familiar sight of the slight uncomfortable of a full chest in her expression.

One by one other girls entered the barn, already on all fours. First was Jess, who you'd met a couple times, followed by Sarah and another girl you hadn't met yet. Walking upright behind them was Eliza, wearing a beautiful cross between a classical milk maid outfit and tasteful corset. Eliza tied the other two to the same ring as you and asked "Hey Cat, you excited?" as she passed. Not waiting for an answer she slid her fingers under your chin she playfully added "It's always good fun no matter which side of the stall you're on."

More girls were brought in and then you were untied and taken to the stall directly opposite Lorelei. Your breasts were starting to become painful with their heaviness. Nearly engorged, blue-green veins were clearly visible under the skin. The tautness of the skin and pressure within was becoming unbearable, but you didn't touch them - milking would be soon you just had to hold on.

Other girls were escorted into the neighboring stalls. Sarah was your neighbor to the right, and the single stall to your left had one of the girls you didn't know. She was shorter than you as well. You could only see her side on, though she seemed to have a wonderful pair of breasts that made you envious of how they jiggled as she was reversed into her stall.

All were in their stalls now. You could see all the other cows except for the one across the row and two down from you. 8 escort beşiktaş in total you figured, including yourself.

You sauntered up to the gate and stuck your head between the wooden bars which had plenty of clearance above. You mooed softly to get Eliza's attention. She looked at your swollen breasts with a look of compassion. "we're getting out the milkers now, won't be long love."

Those few minutes were hellish. Your breasts were fed up with waiting. A slave to your own body and its punishments, tears began to well up in your eyes as you continually shifted left to right in your soft, straw lined stall hoping for some small release. Desperate moos escaped your mouth, mixing in with the quiet cacophony of calls from your herd.

After what felt like eternity Eliza opened your stall carting a milking machine. She placed it down as well as a short, three legged stool, before walking off again. A tear rolled down your face. You couldn't take this any more but you so desperately wanted to be a good cow.

The farmer appeared and sat down on the stool. He placed a metal bucket underneath your trembling breasts. "You're engorged. Milker won't do. Relax, Cat. I'll take care of you."

Your breasts hung down heavily from their newfound size and weight. His first tug brought a wave of relief from the now piercing pain. Aggressive, high pressure streams of hot white cream spurt out of your breasts. All the separate streams that shot out landed within the bucket with a solid ping.

The farmer alternated rhythmically. A roll and light squeeze on the left, then one on the right as he repositioned his first hand deep into the mammary tissue again. It was all one fluid motion. The pain began to subside as his weathered hands worked your soft flesh. The burning ache you felt began to give way to the familiar feeling of deep comfort and contentment you knew well. Desperate lows gave way to moans and absent-minded moos.

Soon the bucket no longer rung as it gathered your strands of white gold, rather, each orgasmic pull of your nipples was accompanied with the quiet sound of the stream hitting liquid.

In your desperate, self-centered state you hadn't noticed that Eliza and the other farmhands had hooked up all of your fellow cows. Assorted moos and moans floated in the air with yours. The noise of pumps and liquid was soft but noticeable. The smell of fresh milk and female desire hung like a blanket in the barn. At some point - you didn't know when - the blue of pre-dawn had given way to the golden rays of morning sun which now poured in from above.
01-23-2025, at 08:00 PM

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